Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It's funny
It took me longer than it should have to appreciate this man
His old African ways sometimes made me resentful of the way he made decisions about me and my life
Early memories of the way he treated his wife
Never had the advantage of being his favourite and sometimes felt the brunt of the punishments he dealt
More so than my siblings
Now, my heart sometimes aches in acknowledgement of the sweetness of this man and his sudden frailty sends ripples of fear right through me
Hardly ever one to say no and he will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of the seeds he has sown
He holds many of the traits my husband will own
Not on some Oedipus trip
I have just learnt what he taught when it comes to what a man should be whenever he is needed

1 comment:

SOC said...

A life lesson that i hope stays with you always. (my favourite)