Monday, January 3, 2011

Square One

Hello my long lost friend.
Passing distant messages from time to time until I was ready to fully reconnect.
Until I had been broken down enough.
Forced to find myself, with sore fingertips in the ashes of burned hopes, memories and dreams.
I guess now we'll make proper time to sit down and converse for I have lots to tell you and I'm sure you have the same for me.
I look forward to it.
I wish I could say that I missed you.
I know you are unaffected by that confession and will hug me warmly as I reluctantly bury my head in the crook of your neck.

Natalie Fiawoo ® Blogging on the go...


Anonymous said...

I wish that I knew you! I came across your blog whilst looking for something else and once I read I could not stop! It's nice to see such heartfelt emotion. It feels like you are really writing to us and someone special. I hope this person understands you and does their best not to let you down as I feel your love is strong enough and therefore deserving.

S.O.A.P said...

I know that I am late, and that you may never revisit this particular post but I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

I'm still surprised when people comment, simply because I forget that people may actually be interested enough to read.


SOC said...

you know what. i have found taht in truth you don't miss true friends. the connection remains despite time or oceans so when you finally remember it has been a while and meet it is like it has been no time at all.