So, rather than me doing a complete blog review of the sampler I’m thinking that every so often I will drop a little something in here.
That way I can link the sampler just to remind you of the sampler and also give my 2 pence worth.
The track I have decided to start with is Aura.
Those that know, know why!
The track starts out with melodies that could possibly have you thinking it’s gonna be a track about love, and I guess in some way’s it is, just not in the typical, conventional sense.
Aura tells a story that many creative's face.
Being somewhere and seeing others that claim to share the same skill and passion tear your craft to shreds.
It also reminds you that you are the torch holder, you are responsible for your craft and you have to ensure you etch a path that would make those that come before and after you proud.
Though I wasn’t fortunate enough to sit in on any of the sampler 4 studio sessions, I have been in the studio and in rehearsal spaces with Greed’s and I tell you, my pen and pad never leave the same.
It gets even worse when you put him in the same rehearsal space as The Remedies… All I can do is sit silently and watch genius at work whilst wishing I had half of the vision contained in that space.
Greed’s uses his doubles on this track to give his vocals an almost futuristic sound which perfectly compliments the sound and feel of Nutty’s production.
Again , I’ll say… Those that know, know why.
I have to admit, I had not predicted the beat progression and as soon as that build hit, my hand immediately went to my head and excitement made me laugh.
Say it with me this time… Those that know, know why!
All I wanna do is listen to this track loud as hell on some big ass speakers with the bass turned right the way up.
The different blends of melody, sound and music make this track, in my opinion, probably the strongest mainstream contender.
“My aura’s bright and bold, wicked and bad, does not slack, always in tact, so fresh so clean, no in between’s if it was harmonies I bet you’ll sing”
What say you?
A snippet of Aura
Check him out –
Website - http://www.iamgreeds.com/
Contributor - http://www.myboxfresh.com/profiles/user/GREEDS/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/iamgreeds
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40589140717#/group.php?gid=40589140717&ref=ts
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/greedstv
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