Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Knowing without

"Hope you meet the man of your dreams tonight" she said as she exited the train...
The sweet scent of memories drift all around me and I breathe in deeply hoping to catch them in my deflated lungs.
Filling them.
Ensuring that I have enough red blood cells to carry me through to the next one.
No expected ideal to cloud my judgment just the contented understanding that his imperfections are what made him perfect.
The sincerity, kind heart and soft touch.
The loyalty and passion.
The strength.
The sweet nature.
All these things are enough.
Even the hard headed stubbornness didn't bother me that much, well, it did a little but not enough to change my heart.
The spelling mistakes and difficulty with expression outside of text made me warm.
Made me love more.
Made me want to protect.
One smile and I melt.
I watch silently now.
Biding my time and waiting on circumstance.
"Hope you meet the man of your dreams tonight" she said as she exited the train...
Little did she know.
I already had.

S.O.A.P® Blogging on the go...

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